Develop and develop the capabilities of workers in the maritime transport sector and related sectors such as insurance, clearance, administrative, technical, financial, accounting, and others. External openness and creating relations with international bodies related to this field and benefiting from the academic expertise and experiences in the maritime field in the world.
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Program Info
- 12 hours
- 5 days
- $500
- Training Certificate
Program Summarry
Special Training Program
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Sudanese Maritime Academy
Refine students with knowledge and science in various maritime fields.
Special Instruction
Do you have any questions, kindly check below, if your question is not answered contact us here
- The age is not less than (18) and not more than (28) years.
- To be medically fit according to the prescribed level, and pass the medical examination.
- The student must be of good conduct, not have any judicial rulings issued against him, and pass the interview of the faculty committee for admission.
- Students who have a high school diploma accept the science course with an average of 70% or more in the navigational or engineering departments.
- Students who have obtained a high school diploma accept the scientific course in the navigational or engineering departments with an average of less than 70% after passing the preparatory period at the Academy (Induction Course).
- Students who have a high school diploma accept the literary section (regardless of the average) in the marine or engineering sections after attending and passing the preparatory period at the Academy (Induction Course).
- Submit all the required papers for acceptance (application form, secondary certificate, 10 recent personal photos, a copy of the passport, national card or national number, criminal status sheet, birth certificate, copy of the identity card or passport of the guardian).
- Students are selected by priority of submission, passing the examination that is held at the academy, and paying the fees.
- The study period is two academic years.
- The academic year consists of two semesters.
- The duration of the semester is (16) weeks (21) credit hours.
- The preparatory period is one semester for (12) weeks (18) credit hours.
- The student accepted in the preparatory period is required to pass all academic subjects and obtain an average of at least 60% in order to be able to join the first period.
- Allow students of the preparatory period who are successful in all subjects and obtained a percentage of less than 60% to re-study no more than (9) credit hours in the summer semester in the subjects in which their averages are more than 50% and less than 60% in order to raise their cumulative average to become more than 60 In the event that they are unable to do so, they are considered to have failed in the preparatory period.
- The study is conducted at the Academy according to the rules of procedure for students during the two academic years.
- A faculty member is appointed as a class supervisor for the purpose of assisting, guiding and directing them and introducing them to the academic study plans and curricula, and the students refer to him for advice on everything related to his academic affairs.
- Student tuition fees are paid in US dollars.
- Sudanese student fees are paid in Sudanese pounds on the basis of the US dollar exchange rate with its value in the Central Bank.
- Paying the study expenses before registration and before the beginning of the semester. It is a prerequisite for completing the registration. It is paid in cash at the academy headquarters or deposited in the bank in the academy’s account.
- The student is exempted from tuition fees by 50% in the event of the death of the breadwinner during the study.
- All expenses paid by the student during the period of his studies at the Academy are refunded to his family in the event of his death.
- 90% of the tuition fees paid are refunded in case of withdrawal or postponement of the study until the end of the second week of the start of the study and the student’s party is vacated.
Tuition expenses include the following:
- Student accommodation.
- Subsistence
- Mobility
- Marine uniform (winter marine suit, summer marine suit).
- Swimming pool.
- Swimming training.
- Fitness and leadership training.
- Textbooks, tools and maps.
- Academy card.
- The registration process begins two weeks before the beginning of the semester after paying the tuition fees and ends at the end of the second week of the start of the study.
- The student personally completes the registration procedures, taking into account the instructions and timings issued by the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the beginning of each semester.
- No student is allowed to register after the end of the specified registration period. The student is considered to have withdrawn from the semester, and an application must be submitted to re-enroll in the following semester.
- A student may freeze his studies for a period not exceeding two semesters, and submits a request for freezing to the Deanship of Admission and Registration before the start of the study, and the approval of the dispatched student’s body is required on the reasons for the suspension.
- The student is evaluated continuously throughout the semester by (60%) of the semester work and includes at least two exams, so that the mark of the first exam (seventh week) is 30 degrees, and the second exam is 20 degrees (the twelfth week), research work, participation and attendance are 10 degrees, and the rest of the mark is 40 degrees for the exam The final (the sixteenth week), with the exception of leadership and sports activities, the results of which are either pass or fail.
- All periodic examination papers, reports and research are returned to the student after correcting them and recording their grades. As for the end-of-semester exam papers, they are kept in the concerned department for one semester only, and the student has the right to review them if he wishes after writing a request to the concerned department head.
The student gets a special grade for each of the courses on which he has evaluated, as follows:
the value
Verbal Estimate
98 100
Excellent high
94 97
90 93
excellent low
86 89
very good high
83 85
very good
80 82
very good low
76 79
good high
73 75
70 72
good low
60 69
0 59